Friday, June 17, 2005

Checking in

Oh, for a cable modem! The move is officially over, but the boxes will be around for days to come, I imagine. The computer was just set up today, and several other important things are still unaccounted for... more on the move and the new place soon.

I hate moving!


Anonymous said...

If your boxes are only going to be around for "days," you are a far better woman than I. We moved last September. Fortunately, there's a room in our house we don't use, where all the boxes can hide.

Jane said...

Oh, days is pushing it. Husband is a bit, er... single-minded when it comes to accomplishing things. Ok, fine. He's obsessive and has a one-track mind. There is one box still in our bedroom, and it's my job to distribute its contents today. Our new place is so small, we can't really hide any clutter. Our whole lives are on display here! Maybe I should post some pictures...