Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Anxious days

Well, in an attempt not to jinx myself, I don't want to mention too much about this until it's final, but...

We're Buying A House!

Finally... Although we will be among the first in our set of friends to do so, it just seems like time to quit throwing our money away on rent and start throwing it toward an investment. I know, I know, this will stretch our already tight finances even further. But, you know, what's life without a little risk involved? I rather enjoy living on the edge like this...

I'll share more if/when the deal works out. In the meantime...

Last night, Husband was deep in conversation with my belly, attempting to ascertain if there are one or two Cubs in there. Although I share the midwife's opinion that my week of bleeding was probably the loss of an empty sac, Husband is still sceptical and thinks there might be two. So he's talking to it/them, trying to convince them to communicate, and he says, "Knock once for one baby, twice for two." Then he put his ear on my belly, and swears up and down to me that he heard two distinct taps. (Keep in mind that I had fajitas for dinner last night...) So now, he's convinced we're still going to have twins. Nothing I say will dissuade him.

Oddly enough, I've thought once or twice that I've felt a little flutter, even though I *know* that it's too early. I felt early movement with the Bear at 15 weeks to the day, and we're only approaching 10 weeks here. Still, it was almost unmistakable. I wonder - they say you can feel movement earlier the second time around. But how early is too early?

Points to ponder for next time: what is the origin of the word "escrow"?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Wow! Not only do you have 2 Cubs, but they are geniuses who are already responding to their father's voice! That's awesome!

Good news about the house, too. Good luck!